War of Work – Inspiration by Emerson

Pull the enthusiasm from somewhere and make great things happen. I think my coffee is the wind beneath my wings some days. It’s great for giving you the fake enthusiasm you need until the real thing shows up.
War of Work Inspiration by Oprah

I don’t look to Oprah for many things, but that woman knows how to work. Keep your head down now so you can reap the rewards later.
War of Work – Inspiration by C.S. Lewis

What have you accomplished because you had to? What more can you do because you want to?
War of Work – Inspiration by E. Roosevelt

“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” There are many times I have wanted to get that tattooed on my arm. Put your head down and get to it.
War of Work Inspiration by Lauder

I think I just love the name Estee. Regardless. Make sure you’re working more for success than you’re dreaming about it today. Your future is counting on you.
War and Work – Inspiration by Churchill

The time for ease and comfort is later. Now is the time, grit your teeth and go. Carpe diem.
War of Work – Inspiration by Emerson

Who can you help out this week? Who has helped you and it made all the difference?
War of Work – Inspiration by Eleanor Roosevelt

Boom. I have nothing to add, other than preach it woman. Look fear in the face and then you will know how to defeat it.
War of Work Inspiration by Angelou

Hitting a home run at your first at bat is rare. Heck, hitting a home run at all is rare. You have to keep swinging, even if you struck out last time. Now get out there slugger. There’s no crying in baseball (I couldn’t help it).
War of Work – Inspiration by Tina Fey

All hail the queen, Tina Fey. Get stuff done. Screw the labels.